अन्न तंत्र महाविद्यालय, परभणी जि. परभणी - ४३१ ४०२ (महाराष्ट्र)

College of Food Technology, Parbhani Dist. Parbhani - 431 402 (Maharashtra)

Practical and Hands-on-Training

B. Tech. (Food Technology) programme includes Practical’s in curricula enriching students with Practical skills. Moreover, subjects like Food Analysis and Microbiology are given special attention to make student acquaint with the practical skills.

It is also compulsory for the students to subject their dissertation for programmes which include vigorous research activities thereby strengthening the practical skills in students.

Hands on training programme is implemented at 7th semester for B.Tech (Food Technology) course, with the intention that students should not be only prefect in theoretical knowledge but should gain actual practical knowledge during production on plant. They should get the knowledge of purchase raw material, processing, producing a quality product with minimizing the waste generation to acquire the various on field problem encounter during sale of products. To implants various techniques to increase the sale of products etc. the experiential learning programme is implemented with following objectives;

1. To build up students entrepreneurship skills.
2. To develop business and marketing skill.
3. Model for achieving excellence in practical work.
4. To build up ability in becoming successful
5. To train the students in utilizing theoretical knowledge in to practical knowledge.

During experiential learning programme the students are allotted one or two products in fruit and vegetable processing. The products such as Amla candy, mango squash, mango jam, Guava jelly, spice and spice products. Various RTS production, let chip preparation, potato chips, Banana chips etc. The 50% profit obtained through the scale of product is distributed among the students and 50% profit is retained in institute, so far Rs. 8,53,000/- profit has been generated through sale of product in ELP from 2010-2016 in College of Food Technology. This programme is implemented in this college at great enthusiasm and results are very fruitful.